Adam Fraser Adam Fraser

No Thanks Kevin

One of the strongest characteristics of a high performing team is their ability to take proactive action before they are forced to change by external circumstances. This is a huge driver of performance, innovation and evolution.

Research shows that for many organisations and teams the only time they change is when they are forced into action by external circumstances. However, by then, it is often too late, they have already been disrupted or out performed by a competitor.

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Adam Fraser Adam Fraser


With the massive levels of disruption seen in our lives, burnout is a real issue for many people in business today. When team members experience burnout their performance plummets which means they are more at risk of being disengaged, which then leads to a dysfunctional impact on the culture of the team.

But how do you prevent burnout when you still have a mountain of work to get through?

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Everyday Massive Everyday Massive


For the last 10 years Dr Adam Fraser and Deakin University have been studying how leaders and teams can evolve, innovate and be resilient in times of change to stay commercially relevant and profitable. Their research shows that the key factor allowing teams to transform and evolve is their relationship with the struggle and discomfort that accompanies any change.

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Adam Fraser Adam Fraser

The Ripple Effect

One of the biggest blocks to cultural transformation is when team members outsource culture to the most senior roles. Team members incorrectly believe that it is only the leader that shapes the culture of a team, saying things like, “Culture comes from the top down” or “The fish rots from the head down.” However, when you look at the true psychology of how cultures work, you realise that these statements are inaccurate.

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Adam Fraser Adam Fraser

The Third Space®

Would you like to learn how to:

• Have a bad day and not take it home with you?

• Have a stressful meeting and not let that mood derail the next meeting?

• Endure a de-motivating set back yet still be able to attack your next task with optimism and enthusiasm?

• Transition into your next task in a way that you are completely present and give it your undivided focus?

• Work from home, rather than feel like you live at work?

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