Meaning and Purpose

Riding on the back of the popularity of Simon Sinek’s message of under-standing ‘What is your why?’, meaning and purpose has become a very popular topic in organisations. This is with good reason as when people connect to the meaning and purpose behind their work, they are more engaged and resilient. However the implementation of meaning and purpose into the corporate world has been a little off.

The message of finding your ‘why’ has led people to believe that we only have one ‘why’. This however is all too limiting, because we don’t just find meaning and purpose in one area of our lives. In fact, buying into this ideology can actually make you monomaniacal, as you become obsessed and fanatical about one concept. Meaning and purpose is far too big and complex a concept to be simplified down to a snappy one-line statement.

This module helps you and your team have a more balanced and practical approach to incorporating meaning and purpose into your culture.

After completion of this module, groups reported an 87% increase in how connected they were to meaning and purpose in their work.


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