
Dr Adam Fraser, in his research, discovered a fascinating finding about goals. The majority of people think the achievement of the goal is the most fulfilling part. However, once people achieve a goal they feel a short period of elation followed very closely by a deep sadness and a feeling of being lost, something he calls ‘The Completion Myth’.

What his research showed is that the part of the goal that people find most fulfilling and satisfying, is striving towards the goal. The reason why striving is so important to people, is that it allows them the opportunity to display courage and to evolve. Humans crave courage and evolution as much as love and connection.

In this module, Dr Adam Fraser will show your team how to rethink the way they approach goals, to not only increase their chance of success, but more importantly to maximise their skill development and enjoyment.

Teams who implemented the strategies in the Strive module, saw a 33% increase in psychological capital (made up of resilience, hope, optimism and confidence).


Attention Management