The Stress Tunnel

Understanding the different dimensions of burnout and how to get out of the stress tunnel. 

Dr Adam’s research shows that the vast majority of educators are stuck in a chronic state of stress. Most concerning is that educators are so used to this state they are no longer aware of the detrimental impact stress is having on them. The fall out of this chronic stress is it leads to not only burnout and reductions in work efficiency, but also compassion fatigue (this dramatically reduces their ability to connect with others and display empathy). 

In this presentation, Dr Adam will share with you practical and tangible strategies to pull yourself out of this downward spiral. These can not only used for yourself, but also shared with your team and the whole school community. 

What you will get from this presentation: 

  • The three dimensions of burnout and why we often confuse burnout with simply being tired. 

  • A completely new way to understand and view stress. 

  • A greater understanding of what happens to your mind and body when stress is triggered. 

  • Why only addressing the stressor (the thing that caused you stress) is not enough to prevent burnout. 

  • Eight proven strategies to help you complete the stress response so you can free up your mind and support your wellbeing and effectiveness.