Flow: the key to high performance
Today's business environment is a competitive, fast moving environment, where high performers push and ask a lot of themselves both physically and mentally. Individuals and companies are being asked to do more with less time and fewer resources, as well as work in a world that is flat and runs 24/7. Add to this the fact that society in general has sped up and the result is a workforce that is having serious issues around sustaining their performance. The fall out is that people are losing the ability to focus, be creative, come up with innovative ideas and develop clear strategies. New research is now showing us that this frantic activity is leading adults to develop a type of attention deficit disorder (ADD) called attention deficit trait (ADT).
What is the solution?
Mistakenly most stress management techniques revolve around taking time out and doing less work. This is an antiquated and band aid solution at best as stress is usually due to a lack of time and high workloads.
The real solution to high, sustained performance, engagement, health, peace of mind and happiness is FLOW.
FLOW is a psychological state of high performance; commonly know as being "In the Zone".
The characteristics of FLOW are:
- Clear Goals
- Deep concentration
- In the present and focused
- Time disappears
- Extremely productive
- Zero stress
- Calm
- Engaged
- Positive mindset
- Positive emotion
Dr Adam Fraser uses his background in Physiology and Psychology to explore the principles of sustainable high performance. In this he will also call on his 13 years of experience working in this area with corporate teams, businesses, elite athletes and armed forces.
All Dr Fraser's programs are tailored specifically to suit the culture and current challenges of the organization. However the following are some specific topics that Dr Fraser addresses in this presentation.
- Understand the long-term fallout of adrenaline and fear based performance
- Looking at how individuals operate on a daily basis and which quadrant of performance do they fit into?
- Understand the Pressure/Performance curve and it can be used to elevate and sustain performance
- The impact that brain chemistry and physiology has on the ability to perform at a high level
- The Role that focus plays in performance and productivity
- Attention management and how it improves performance and reduces attentional blink
- How the brain functions and how to get the best out of it
- Why multi-tasking is a myth and bad for your brain
- How Easing off at the right points of your day leads to better performance
- How to transition between environments for maximum performance in the next environment
- How to ease off after work and engage with your family/partner/friends
- The impact of sleep on performance and how to sleep right
- Energy management how to sustain and elevate our energy levels
- How our physiology impacts on our cognitive function
- How what we eat in a day affects our brain and bio-chemistry and what that means for work productivity
- Your state of health and how that affects your ability to work
- Thinking styles and cognitive function
- The impact of emotions on behaviour and performance