Programs for Organisations
The Third Space®
This University tested program was developed over 7 years and has been proven to dramatically improve balance, behaviour in the home and the ability to recover from a hard day.
Lots of organisations talk about needing resilience, however resilience simply focuses on how we cope when under pressure. In this disrupted and competitive world we have to go way beyond coping. Our research has asked the question what is beyond resilience?
The Evolution Project
The Evolution Project is a virtual program, designed to improve performance, wellbeing, culture and leadership. The program has a modular design, built from cohesive optional components that can mix and match to suit the needs of your organisation.
The Thrivers Program
Dr Adam Fraser in partnership with Deakin University (sponsored by AIA Australia) studied over 800 financial advisers in Australia. Dr Fraser has taken all these learnings and created ‘The Thrivers Program’.
Customised Program
Dr Adam Fraser’s office offers fully customised programs for organisations. These can be tailored to your specific needs in collaboration with our research partners. Please contact our office to arrange a meeting.